Monday, September 27, 2010

Thank You


Some will say that Rock-n-Roll history is all about raunchy parties, drugs, decadent behavior and a wide assortment of very easy women. I think the accepted phrase has always been "sex, drugs and Rock-n-Roll". In one way or another, I suppose we all have a sweet tooth for a little good old fashioned debauchery. I am sure that the temptations will always come my way, but I am very thankful that I have enough years under my belt that I will always know what is really important. Ultimately ... behind all the illusions, fantasies and distractions it all comes down to good family, close friends and the ability to write catchy songs. If the listeners can relate to your tunes, then they will become fans. When I started this project back on January 1, 2010 (New Years Day), I really had no idea how everything was going to turn out. With no excuses, and utter determination, I set out to create one of the most unique, groundbreaking Cd's to ever be released. With the release of "Crazy Like A Fox" (on October 1, 2010), I accomplished this goal. This blog captures the entire process from start to finish. I hope you enjoy it !

My "Crazy Like A Fox" Cd was officially released on Friday October 1, 2010. It is available for purchase at and . Cd lyrics are available at my home website

UPDATE (2-16-14): All songs from my "Crazy Like A Fox" Cd can be heard in their entirety through the tune player below.